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Luis Urdiales Hired as Facility Solutions Specialist II

Jun 19, 2023
Headshot of Luis Urdiales

We are pleased to welcome Luis Urdiales as the newest member of the Betco® Sales Team. He will be serving the California and Nevada regions as Facility Solutions Specialist II.

 His background includes over 18 years of experience, serving roles in both manufacturing and distribution, which offers a unique perspective on the supply chain and how to effectively anticipate customers’ needs.

“Luis brings relationships and skills to the role that will be instrumental in helping drive Betco’s growth in our largest markets in California and Nevada,” John Guzik, Regional Sales Director, said.

Luis resides in West Covina, California. He has been married for 24 years and has 2 boys, ages 18 and 16. In his free time, Luis loves to golf and spend time with family and friends.

Welcome to Betco, Luis!